The International Association for Agricultural Sustainability, established in Singapore, is dedicated to global advocacy for healthy diets, conservation of global food resources, prioritization of food security, and support for natural and environmental resources to ensure agricultural sustainability.

About the International Association for Agricultural Sustainability (IAAS)

The International Association for Agricultural Sustainability serves as a platform for academic researchers, agricultural and agro-industry practitioners, and policymakers in the fields of agricultural technology, sustainability, food technology and innovation, and management and economics to exchange experiences and discuss the latest developments and challenges in agriculture and agricultural sustainability.

International Association for Agricultural Sustainability Objectives

International Association for Agricultural Sustainability seeks to

  • Promote healthy dietary practices.
  • Conserve natural and environmental resources.
  • Advocate for and implement sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Enhance quality of life, foster innovation, and support successful agribusiness.
  • Educate and prepare a generation of leaders with comprehensive agricultural knowledge.

International Association for Agricultural Sustainability Services

The International Association for Agricultural Sustainability offers a wide range of services to researchers, practitioners, and entrepreneurs. It serves as a key forum for discussions on agricultural developments and global sustainability challenges, facilitating communication and interaction, advancing research and education, promoting trade, and developing agricultural policies worldwide.

The International Association for Agriculture Sustainability organizes scientific conferences, bringing together academics, researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers worldwide to exchange insights on agricultural practices. Additionally, it supports the publication of “The International Journal of Agricultural Innovation, Technology, and Globalization,” and facilitates policy discussion workshops. These initiatives aim to foster the exchange of experiences among government agencies, industry stakeholders, commodity groups, and academia, ultimately promoting the concept of agricultural sustainability globally.

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