The Society was incorporated as a non-profit professional organization; its endeavors encompass hosting an annual conference and disseminating numerous cognitive science topics across various journals and periodicals.

About Cognitive Science Society

The Society was incorporated as a non-profit professional organization in Massachusetts in 1979. The organizing committee comprises a notable contingent of scholars within the American sphere, included Roger Schank, Allan Collins, Donald Norman,

Cognitive Science Society Objectives

The Cognitive Sciences Society comprises sociologists, specialists in cognition and behavior, and researchers from diverse backgrounds worldwide, united by a shared objective: unraveling the mysteries of the human mind. The Cognitive Science Society and the Glushko-Samuelson Foundation will award up to five outstanding dissertation prizes in cognitive science every year. The goals of these prizes are to

  • Increase the prominence of cognitive science
  • Encourage students to engage in interdisciplinary efforts to understand mind and intelligent systems.
  • Honor young researchers conducting ground-breaking research in cognitive science.
  • Aid in efforts to bridge between the areas of cognitive science.
  • Create theories of general interest to the multiple fields concerned with scientifically understanding the nature of minds and intelligent systems.

The mission of the Cognitive Science Society is to promote Cognitive Science as a framework for individuals and institutions, broadening the understanding of the human mind and fostering scientific interchange among researchers in various areas of study, including Anthropology, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Psychology.

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